sustainable living — English
A way of living that meets the basic needs of the current society in a just and equitable manner without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. The important thing is that needs, not greeds and averice, are central to this way of life. Sustainable living requires an entire shift in the current worldview of most societies on Earth. Some affluent societies will have to adopt a lifestyle in which they enjoy life more by consuming less. A simpler life does not necessarily mean a less satisfying one. Less affluent societies should be assisted to enjoy a more satisfying and easier life, without causing environmental degradation. People should not need to exploit and degrade the environment to eke out a living. It is perhaps wise to remember Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi’s principle of enoughness: “The Earth provides enough to satisfy every person’s need, but not every person’s greed. When we take more than we need, we are simply taking from each other, borrowing from the future, or destroying the environment and other species”.