PPP, public-private participation — English
Any development scheme in which both the public sector (or state) and the private sector (often called the business sector) partake and contribute funds as well as expertise or whatever the case may be. The sector of state that might be involved could be national, provincial or local or a combination of these. One or more private bodies might represent the private sector in the project. Normally such an co-operative agreement is made with one specific aim in view, for instance to build a crèche or sportsfields or organise local litter removal events, the rehabilitation of a wetland, provide frail-care, assist people living with HIV and Aids, or improve education facilities and quality. There is no restriction to the scale of the projects or any prescription that the state and the private sector should contribute on a 50/50 basis. Often one of the participating parties contributes the finances and the other partner organises the labour and physical activities. There are endless different ways how such participation schemes can be initialised, organised, continued and their success could be evaluated. (Please note: Do not confuse the abovementioned abbreviation “PPP” with the abbreviation “PPP” which is used in strategic environmental management for policies, plan and projects.)